Monday, December 1, 2008

1Dec2008: Day 189: Whoops

Our little miss sunshine decided to wake up at 6am, much to our dislike. Chris tried for a half hour to get her to settle back down but she was just up and chatty, so it was time for all of us to get up. She insisted that she had to have pancakes with sauce so daddy was kind enough to do that for her.

We actually made it back to the gym today. I thought I was going to lose a lung on one machine called a cross-trainer. I absolutely hate this machine but do it because I burn more calories in 12 minutes than I do in 12 minutes on the elliptical. Everyone loved Makenna's hat. A lot of people made comments saying how they needed a hat just like hers.

After, I took Makenna swimming as it's been a couple of weeks and she keeps asking to swim. After that, we went to the grocery store to pick up a few things. It's about a 10 minute drive from the store to the house, and within those 10 minutes, she fell asleep. I figured that she wouldn't make it considering she got up early. But I thought that if I at least got her in the house and got lunch together that she would perk back up. So I brought her in put her two feet on the kitchen floor and she proceeded to lay right down on the floor and fall back asleep. My next trick was to take her up to bed as I thought once I got her down into bed and changed her diaper that would get her to wake back up. Nope. I asked her if she wanted to eat lunch and she said, "no." So I asked her if she wanted a nap, she replied "okay." I figured, might as well not fight it. She then ate a very late lunch (after 3pm) but she ate really well. She decided cereal was good enough for her dinner and I didn't really expect her to eat at all.

She did and said so many cute things today that I knew I should've written them down. One thing she did say a couple of times today was "hold still." That was when I was changing her diaper. You can tell where she picked that up from. Another thing that she has been saying is "whoops." She typically says this as she is knocking something off of something else. Like when we try to build up blocks, by the time we get to the third one, she knocks the tower over and says "whoops." Today she took her "dolly" (a little doll she got as a birthday gift), and said "poopy." I asked, "does dolly have to go poopy?" She then said, "potty." So I asked, "should dolly go on the potty?" and I proceeded to put the doll on the training potty. Makenna then smacked the doll off and said, "whoops!" I hate it when I'm going the bathroom and someone smacks me off.

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