Wednesday, January 14, 2009

14Jan2009: Day 233: Haave

It seems "behave" is a word that I'm constantly repeating to Makenna and she's saying back "haave." She's really trying to get herself killed some days it seems. I've been trying really hard to instill into her the importance, and reason, of holding hands or staying near me when we're in a crowded parking lot or even just going to the car. She has this bad habit of taking off and running down the driveway or running away in a parking lot. Today was no exception. No matter how much I say with a stern voice, or a loud stern voice, she thinks I'm playing. I have to literally grab her, make her look me and punish her by taking something away that she was expecting.

Today after our afternoon playgroup, I had a death grip on her wrist and she still was trying to pull away. So I picked her up and told her that she was going to have no yogurt when we got home. That threw her into a screaming fit and a straight body as I was trying to put her into the car seat. She then cried and whined for the whole way home (all of five minutes). When we got home she was still insisting she get a yogurt and I told her again why she wasn't going to have any. Then she went down for her nap - which was needed - for both of us!

Of course, this wasn't the only time she decided to scream today. Before our swimming lessons, she kept trying to get out of the pool to throw in all the pool toys. I wanted her to stay in the pool with me and she then screamed when I pulled her back in. She also didn't want to wear the "floaties" I bought today. She wasn't really in the mood to do the swimming class too much today. I'm not sure if it was because we she was tired (which was definitely some of it,) or if it was because we were swimming for about ten to fifteen minutes before the class and she just wasn't into more structured swimming. I think she just was interested in the toys and not the structure.

So when we were saying our prayers tonight, I was praying that Makenna would listen to mommy (and daddy,) especially in areas where there's cars and Makenna said, "haave." I said, yes, behave!

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