Wednesday, January 21, 2009

21Jan2009: Day 240: My Little Swimmer

Wednesdays are just too busy it seems. By the time we get to her afternoon playgroup, I'm ready for a nap. Anyways, at swim this morning, Makenna made some progress. It mostly had to do with pool safety more than swimming. They have her put her hands on the wall and "monkey crawl" as they put it, where she moves her hands side to side to move along the pool. So I was working on this with her today and she did pretty well. She would let go a little too early, before she got to the steps, but she still did it pretty much on her own.

They also worked on her "falling" into the pool from a sitting position, by singing Humpty Dumpty. Then as soon as they fell in, you had to turn them around to grab the wall and have them climb out. Well, being Makenna is the youngest in the class, she isn't strong enough to pull herself out of the pool. So the instructor had me put her on her belly on the platform and she had to get her leg up out of the pool to finish getting herself out. She was a bit hesitant at first, but then she got her leg up and the rest of her body out. As it looked as though she wasn't going to comply, the instructor got some toys for her to reach for to entice her to come out of the pool. What the instructor didn't take in account was how long Makenna is and how far she can reach. So, Makenna didn't even have to really get out of the pool for the toys. The instructor would then move them a bit further but again, Makenna would just stretch to get them. I finally told her to put them up against the wall.

Some more things that happened today was that I caught Makenna blessing her food. I couldn't help but smile. We typically say a blessing on our food before each meal, and today during lunch, I had already said a blessing. A few minutes later, I heard Makenna whispering quietly and I looked over at her and she had her arms clasped together and then she said, "Amen." I praised her quite a bit for this act. Tonight during dinner, I heard her saying the end of the alphabet. I think she started at "P" and went to "Z." Again, more praise from me.

Another thing that I started yesterday was during her prayers, I had her start them with "Dear Heavenly Father," and then had her end them with "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." I said the middle. I've always, since she was born, said "Makenna prayers." Trying to teach her about personal prayer. So, in tonight's go around, I started to get her to say the ending again and I said, "In the name....of Jesus...." and Makenna said, "Christ" and we said "Amen." Again, lots of praise from me.

I wish I could say the same for potty training. I again tried to get her to sit on the training potty - much screaming and refusal. I then tried before bath time to put her on the big potty and again, more refusal. So I guess I'm just going to keep "preparing" her as I just get frustrated that she won't sit and try and force her and I don't think this is the best idea.

The book I'm reading had a quiz and from the score it says she's ready to be trained but says that I know best - which I agree - and I think she's not as ready. So I'll just keep working on the pulling up and down of pants, and talking to her about being dry and clean compared to dirty and wet (as suggested in the book). The one thing I did like in the book is that I have to remember that it took a while for Makenna to learn how to crawl and walk. It wasn't a one day or one week teaching, it took many months, and so does potty training. I guess I'm just getting in that frantic mode because of hearing other mothers teaching their children of which some are younger or the same age as Makenna.

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