Sunday, January 25, 2009

25Jan2009: Day 244: Mmm, good! (?)

What's been nice is to hear Makenna become more free with her "I wuv you's." A few months ago we had to say to her, "can you say I love you?" She would then mumble "I wuv you," as if we had just asked her to do something she didn't really care to do. But now we can tell her we love her and she's saying it more on her own. She still seems to show more affection towards her bears or dolls but once last week she did actually just say it without me saying it to her. She's more free to say what she "wuv's" such as scriptures. Which, this makes me just as happy. Tonight as I was just about to read scriptures Makenna came out with "I wuv it." I asked, "what do you love?" and she said "scriptures."

She also has this strange habit of putting the weirdest or grossest things in her mouth and going, "mmm, good!" Yet, as I've blogged about before, she won't even take a bite of a ham sandwich - willingly! She has this banter with Chris about filling the humidifier where she says, "water fill" and then she says "no mouth" because she will put the lid of the humidifier in her mouth. He replies, "right, no mouth." But then she'll do it anyways as she thinks it's a joke. Chris and I talked again about how this child has no fear about trying something that she's never had when she thinks it's candy but offer her a carrot or, again, the sandwich - then you get a high squealed "no!"

Someone at church today handed Chris and I a hard piece of candy and immediately Makenna wanted it. Of course we didn't give it to her but that set her off. I really think this hour of 11am - 2pm is just too hard for Makenna as it's right during lunch and right around nap time. No matter what food I bring, Makenna balks - unless it's candy. Hannah on the other hand, comes and helps herself - which I just laugh at. I was actually holding Hannah today saying how I'll borrow her while she eats as I'd like a child that would eat what I make. I even tried kiddie peer pressure saying, "look Makenna, Hannah is eating her sandwich." Pathetic - nothing like hitting a two year old with peer pressure.

Something I learned tonight from a cooking show we watch here is what we call it zucchini from the Italian word, they call it corgette from the French word. It took me a while to know what a corgette was - they call an eggplant an aubergine - don't know where those are from.

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