Friday, January 16, 2009

16Jan2009: Day 235: Rowr - I'm a Tiger

Again, me without a camera missed one of the cutest moments today. When I went to pick up Makenna from nursery, she was being held by a worker who put her down and she was all excited and started coming towards me. All of a sudden she stopped and started going, "rowr (it sounds more like rowr than roar,) rowr, I'm a tiger." She was hunched over with her arms up and it looked like she had claws. She did it a couple of times and I was just laughing. She was really adamant in making sure I knew that she was a fierce tiger.

When I got her home, she wanted to drive so I let her go in the driver seat. I went in to start lunch and I came out a couple of minutes later and she had her coat, scarf, and hat off. I was like "wow, you're quick!" She's been getting good at unzipping her coat and taking it off along with her hat and scarf when we get in the house.

A couple of things that also were exciting this week - or at least to me - was that I actually made a meal from a recipe I brought from back home. I brought this big recipe book here and was quite disheartened when I realized I can't find much of what's needed for most of my recipes. So on Sunday, I went through the book and wrote down a couple of recipes that I thought I could at least find the ingredients to, one way or another. Believe it or not, I almost couldn't find sour cream. I did find it - Weight Watchers version - which was pretty good. Instead of canned, chopped chilies, I just bought some fresh ones and cut them up. While I was cutting them I was like, this isn't too bad (thinking for some reason they'd be like cutting up onions). Well when I tried taking out my contacts - let's just say that was a very painful experience!

Anyways, if you couldn't tell, it was a Mexican meal (enchilada lasagna). So being that they have a lot of "foreign foods" (American not being foreign,) it wasn't too hard to get everything I needed. I had to improvise as I didn't have enough sour cream, but I had also put it in a smaller dish. Luckily Chris is the only one who has really ever had to bear the brunt of my "improvisation." Past experiments haven't been inedible but not ones you'd want to eat again. Chris is much better at making up dishes or altering them. So I have to say that I was surprised that this came out so well. I think Chris was surprised as well.

The other exciting thing is that they are actually showing American Idol over here. It's shown on Thursday and Friday but I'm still really happy. I tried watching some of Tuesday's episode on YouTube on Wednesday. I watched a couple of clips and figured I'd come back to it but when I did (a couple of hours later,) YouTube had deleted this one person's clips of the show because of copyright infringement so I was bummed. I didn't want to watch little clips here and there (although I did a few) as I wanted to get the whole experience. I was about to just accept that I was either going to watch bits of clips or nothing when I happened to notice that it was going to play over here. Not to mention that I was miffed at Fox for not putting it up on their website.

When you're a stay at home mom - sometimes the little things can make you really excited.

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