Thursday, January 22, 2009

22Jan2009: Day 241: Try It

Another saying that Makenna got, mostly from daddy, that was repeated back to me today was..."Try it." Let me preface this by saying that I've been avoiding admitting that Makenna was yet again getting sick. It started on the weekend with much sneezing. I was thinking that she's either getting sick or allergies.

Then little by little more signs of sickness started creeping in. By today, it was more of a hoarse cough and more nose running, not to mention whining and crying a lot. Of course, some of the crying was due to her not paying attention and falling or tripping over things, and the vacuum cleaner had something to do with one crying jag.

Anyways, back to "try it." Well, I know I'm so blessed to have this little bundle of joy and frustration that I tend to give her about 100 kisses a day - no lie. This is most likely the reason I'm always getting sick when she does. So in an effort to avoid getting sick, I'm trying to cut back on my close contact to her face and fingers. Today, she had this little toy that she got which are clapping hands. You shake it back and forth and the hands clap. She proceeded to put it in her mouth and then wanted me to put it in mine. If she wasn't sick, I probably would've complied. But this time, I was shaking my head no and refusing to. She then looked and me and said, "try it," and kept trying to push it towards my mouth. She repeated this a few times and I had to smile and laugh at this attempt as if she was trying to get me to eat something. When we want her to eat something, whether she's eaten it before or not, if she's refusing, we usually say, "try it." So kudos to her for turning it around on us.

She was miss accident prone today, as I mentioned today. She tripped over the vacuum that she fears, and fell face first into the wood slats on the landing upstairs. So now she has this nice red mark on her cheek. She fell off a chair, and also either did something that she got hurt, or just all of a sudden decided that the vacuum, even though in the other room, scared her. I heard her crying and went into the dining room and asked her what happened. I thought maybe she stood up and hit her head on the table. She replied something about the vacuum.

I also didn't mention that on Monday I made another recipe from home and it turned out great! I again had to make some modifications. It called for Manicotti noodles and Velveeta cheese. I've searched high and low for Manicotti noodles - they just don't have them here. The few people I've asked haven't even heard of them. Pretty much the same for Velveeta cheese. When I asked some of the girls last Thursday about these ingredients, one suggested that I look on Ebay. I actually did and I could buy Velveeta cheese! - Who knew. I obviously would've been paying quite a bit more than in a store in the states. Not even including shipping and handling.

So I bought Cannelloni noodles which are much thinner than manicotti but still workable. I just bought shredded cheddar cheese. From which I read, that should be even better than Velveeta. Like I said, it went really well and we didn't have left overs. Not a meal I'll make often as it's very rich and fattening I'm sure with all the cheese.

The bishops wife here, Gill (pronounced Jill,) actually stopped by unexpectedly to bring me the same noodles. She remembered my talking (complaining,) about not finding things I'm used to and she had mentioned the cannelloni noodles. She was out on Monday and found some and brought them over to me. I didn't have the heart to tell her I already bought some earlier that day. I thought it was a super nice gesture regardless and really has had me thinking all week if I do things like that for people. I know sometimes I'm really selfish about things and I have to work at thinking about what other people could need/use. I really admire Madonna as she seems to easily think of others and what their needs might be. I hope to really learn from the people's generosity here and to think of what others needs are and incorporate that in my life a bit more.

A picture I took on Sunday that I kept meaning to include was of my cutey wearing a hat she made in playgroup a week ago Wednesday. The dark black lines were pre-done by the people at the playgroup. I helped a bit but she mostly did all the coloring or stamping. What's funny is that she wouldn't wear this hat the day we made it but has since put it on a few times since. I just love her smile, it makes my heart melt.

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