Friday, January 2, 2009

2Jan2009: Day 221: Almost Time to Return

Makenna had to get a couple of shots today from the doctor's office. One was for Hep A and the other for the flu. She actually did very well and I was extremely impressed. She started to whimper a bit and was more in shock with the first shot, and then the second shot she did cry, but not for very long.

We then went and visited with Great Grandma Grosek again. Makenna actually said, "Great Grandma" when we were going up the steps to visit her. Makenna actually has been saying a lot of her relatives names the past couple of days. She says "whyja" for Elijah. "Steffy" for Stephanie, and has been saying grandma a little more. She usually says pa pa referring to both grandpa and grandma. She also has said Josh, Jared, Mark, Katie, and some version of Jessica, Brittanie, and Kelsey. So now instead of "Hannah, Hannah" (which she has still asked about), it will be "Jared, Jared, Josh?" She was calling my brother Jared, "Jake" for the first couple of days we were here, but now she has that straight and constantly asks for Jared.

Chris and I got to go out for dinner alone which was nice. We even talked about other things than just Makenna. One thing we're sad about is to return to England and leave our friends and family but we know more adventures await us and that we need to lose the 10 lbs or more, that we gained eating good food!!!

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