Thursday, August 21, 2008

21Aug2008: Day 88: What's the Deal?

Well, today was a bit frustrating. I seriously don't know how people handle more than one child sometimes. I truly admire those who do and I know many who do have more than one under the age of 6 currently.

I just wanted a haircut and took her to shopping center as I knew they had a walk-in hair place. Well, the place was moving incredibly slow, in fact one girl was just standing around for some reason and I felt like yelling - "don't you see I have a child screaming on the floor?" She wanted to leave the place and I was keeping her hostage inside. So she started picking up hairspray cans and throwing them on the floor. She has this thing that when she's scolded or mad, she picks things up and throws them or knocks things over. So I of course, started to lose my patience at this behavior, which made me more mad at the girl standing around fixing her own hair. Needless to say, I finally got it cut, but the price! About 25 pounds. So like $50 - I never in my life would pay that much for a wash and a trim unless it was by some high-end stylist - but what are you going to do? Makenna was at least calm during the haircut, but I had her in the stroller and she was enamoured by the things around her.

Before hand, when she was trying to escape, she kept screaming "walk, walk" meaning that she wanted to leave and walk somewhere. After, we ran another errand in the shopping center and then left and I had her walk to the next place we were going. Wouldn't you know it, she wanted to be carried. So I asked her, "What's the deal?" she said..."What deal?" I said "I don't know" she said "I don know". We repeated this a few times. It truly amazes me what she picks up in just a day.

One final condolences go out to my good friend Chris Waters in the passing of his father. We're thinking and praying for you and hope that you know we wish we could be there for you.

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