Thursday, August 28, 2008

28Aug2008: Day 95: Hints of the Future?

Makenna and I had a fairly busy day. We walked up the road to get Chris's watch a new battery. Plus stop at the bank and stop at the post office. We then walked to the park where she got to do some climbing - outside - and also watched a bunch of dogs running around. The park has a huge field and a path that people use to walk their dogs or let them run around. Plus, she had a couple of dogs come up to her again. We then walked to the doctor's office so that I could show them her immunization record as they sent me mail requesting that she comes in for shots.

They don't have anything on record for her - which I don't understand because that care worker came to the house a couple of weeks ago but I guess they are not related. So they took a copy of her immunizations but I have to figure out what a couple of them are as they don't know them or don't need them here, but want to have the proper immunization record here in their system. Plus, I had to set up an appointment for myself as they also sent a letter for Chris and I to come in for a general health overview.

We got home and then after lunch went swimming for close to an hour and then when we got home, Chris called and Makenna and I had to walk back down to the doctor's office to pick up a prescription for him. As we were walking, Makenna was happily waving and saying hello to people and dogs that were walking at us. It was quite funny to see how people stopped or responded to her. Maybe she'll be the first woman president!??

Other things that Makenna does that give me hints of what the future may hold is, lately when Chris goes into the bathroom, and I tell her wait until daddy finishes in the bathroom, she'll stand at the bathroom door and yell..."FINISH!" It cracks me up! Maybe I've said this one before, but when I go to wake her up from naps, instead of her waking up on her own, she'll usually say, "night, night". Meaning that she wants to still sleep. She'll even pull the blanket over her head and say it. So I think I'll have a teenager who will be hard to get out of bed. Maybe that might be a good thing - at least I'll know where she's at.

Today, she also, on her own, would climb up on furniture and yell "get down". Even before I said anything - she'd yell it out on her own. Like to take away my thunder. Of course, she had her giggles in doing things she knows we don't want her to. Now she's at least climbing on some furniture and falling onto the couch from her perch. Hopefully she won't roll off. Tonight alone we had to take her off this coffee table that she kept climbing on and then standing and hopping. It's not the sturdiest of tables in that if she gets too close to an end it will easily tip. I don't want to even think of table dancing as being a hint of the future!

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