Friday, August 1, 2008

1Aug2008: Day 68: Did I hear you correctly?

While I'm at the gym, I occasionally watch Sky News and I hear the most interesting things. Wednesday I heard that BP Gas made in effect 27 million a day! Well today they were talking about the price of food and how it's gone up. They said that farmers in Afghanistan stopped growing Heroin and replaced it with Wheat as they get a better price. Okay, well that's what I swore I heard them say. I realized that they couldn't have just really said that. For one, last I knew, Heroin wasn't something that grows in fields, or anywhere for that matter. They must have said corn but it really did not sound like that at all.

Other than that, Makenna and I went swimming. I swear she's becoming a fish. She constantly says "fish" when she's looking in her drink cup, or in her cereal bowl, or in a water planter we have here at the house. She learned the word "squeeze" today. I took a pool toy that absorbs water and then I'd squeeze it and show her how the water came out and she thought that was funny. So she kept say "sweeze" and doing it (clenching her hands shut).

I'm also glad that she really, really, really enjoys books. So much so that she ate one today! Unfortunately, it was one of daddy's and he doesn't know yet. (It's 10 pm and he's not home from work yet - some things just don't change no matter what country your in!) But she will now sometimes get her books from a shelf near her bed and read them when she's supposed to be taking a nap. And this morning, she actually read some before yelling "mommy, mommy" for me to come get her. Which I really appreciate as it gives me more time to sleep.

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