Sunday, August 24, 2008

24Aug2008: Day 91: Flashcards

I bought Makenna these flashcards quite some time ago when we were back in the states, probably shortly after she was a year old. She also got some more as a going away gift from her one babysitter Erin. We've worked on them at various times and she's just remembering more and more of what the pictures on the cards are. She was working on them with her daddy today. He would hold them up and ask her what the picture was of and if she got it right, it went into one pile, and if she didn't know, into another.

Another thing she did today that was funny was that we've been telling her to cover her mouth when she coughs. She will usually stick her fist in her mouth or cover it, or ignore us. Today, I had to cough and I used the crook of my arm. She actually took my hand and put it up to my mouth, as if to say, "cover your mouth!"

She also loves talking to her grandma and grandpa Jones through Skype. She laughs and dances around and then as time goes on, loses interest. But her excitement in the beginning is funny to watch. We wish all the family had web-cams to see them. We miss you all!

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