Wednesday, November 12, 2008

12Nov2008: Day 170: Cook!

This morning, Makenna was insisting that she had to have pancakes for breakfast. So I relented and I sat her up on the counter next to where I cook. I sometimes do this as long as it's something simple and I can keep an eye on her. As I was cooking, I had put on the Ipod to listen to music. I was dancing around getting Makenna to dance a bit, but then she pointed to the pancakes and said "Cook!" It came out like, stop this silly dancing mom, and cook me my pancakes!

She at least enjoyed the pancakes. I figured she would since she didn't have dinner last night. She seems to be in a stage of eating a big breakfast and a pretty decent size lunch and then very little if anything for dinner.

We went and got Hannah and family to go to playgroup. Makenna was less clingy and I think that was because Hannah was there to play with. I was going to run an errand and have Madonna look after Makenna but since there was only one other mom, I figured I'd stay and run my errand another time. I was glad I stayed. The other mom is from another ward at church and we started talking about how we can combine for activities. So hopefully next week, we'll hammer out some ideas.

We quickly ran home, and got lunch and off to the next playgroup. After that playgroup, went home and as I was getting Makenna ready for a nap, she slipped on a rug in the bathroom and went down and hit her head pretty hard on the toilet. I think it was a combination of being tired and getting her feet tangled up in the rug. Well, I kept her up for another hour to make sure she was okay and keep an eye on the goose egg growing on her head. I took her downstairs and she wanted to watch "Nina and the Neurons." After the fourth show of it, I could tell she was fine and put her up for a nap.

One other thing she's been doing this week is singing bits of songs. So all of a sudden, I'll hear "twinkle, twinkle, sky, up high, how I wonder, twinkle, twinkle star." She also today sang row, row your boat but they add a few verses here I've never heard of. The version she was singing was about an crocodile where you scream. I hear her singing, "row, row, ??????, aaahhhhhh." I can't quite make out what most of the song is but I could tell when she gets to the part where you scream.

She also blessed our food tonight. I didn't realize that was what she was doing at first but then all of a sudden I heard, "Amen." We were walking into the dining room with dinner and I heard her babbling and then the "amen." So I figured that her blessing was sufficient.

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