Friday, November 14, 2008

14Nov2008: Day 172: I Told

Today was much better. Makenna woke up a couple of times during the night but she would just start talking, as if it was morning. She would start by saying, "milk, milk" then switch to "water, water" or "juice, juice". So Chris got up and gave her a little bit of water. She was able to keep it down and when she woke up later and asked for more, he got up again and gave her some more. She woke up her usual self, albeit a bit tired. That went along with the rest of us. Hannah is doing better too but I guess her mom is starting to feel a bit ill now. Hopefully I won't get that.

I cancelled her nursery at the gym and made my work out cleaning. She did eat a bit of cereal but only drank the milk from her bowl. Otherwise, she just wanted water. She did eat a bit for lunch too, but again, no milk. I figure she knows best at this point so I let her just drink water. She didn't really eat for dinner. We had kielbasa (their version of it over here). She had one bite and decided she didn't want anymore. She used to love it back in the states, but I cooked it differently - in a crock-pot with a mustard sauce.

I also could tell Makenna was better as she was getting into everything and being a little trouble maker. She took the floor cleaner (for mopping) and squirted it on the living room rug. Plus was constantly trying to go upstairs. Her new word for today is "I told." She got that from me always saying, "I told you...." Usually, "I told you not to do that," is my full sentence. So today she's gone around and said "I told, I told."

She also had this thing that indicates when she wants a nap, or doesn't want to get up from sleeping, called "sleeping bunny." When we go to the Thursday play groups with the singing and dancing, they have a song where the kids lay down on the floor and pretend they're sleeping bunnies. Then they wake up and hop up and down. So about a week or two ago, she started laying down on the floor when she's ready to go to sleep and says, "sleepy bunny." Sometimes when I go to wake her up from a nap, she'll just lay there and say "sleepy bunny." Tonight, she keeps laying across myself or Chris and saying "sleepy bunny." Not sure if she's trying to tell us she wants to go to bed, or if she just wants to lay across us to relax.

When Chris got home last night, I told him of the joyous occasion she missed. The first time he went out with the guys after she was born, back in the states, Makenna got sick like this, although not as bad, and on a laminate floor which was much easier to clean. I'm not sure why this happens when he goes out, as it's very rare that he does. It makes me nervous though because he's going out with the guys all day tomorrow to a rugby match. Makenna and I are hopefully going to go to a zoo with Andrea. She's a girlfriend of a guy Chris works with and who he's going to the rugby match with. She has another girlfriend with kids who knows all the kid-type places to go.

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