Thursday, November 6, 2008

6Nov2008: Day 164: Jane Austen

Today didn't go quite as planned. We had planned to go to a activity center with Hannah and family. I guess it's an indoors play area with balls to swim in and other play things. But, Hannah's dad forgot to leave the car seat for her so we just ended up going over to their house to play. They still seemed to have fun and Makenna gave Hannah a kiss goodbye when we left.

Went to the gym and I asked the nursery where she goes, how she gets along with the other kids their. They said she'll play along side them, which is typical for this age. She's interested in what the other kids are doing, and she's become a lot more talkative then when she first started to go. So that was good to hear.

I recorded a "Meerkat Manor" show today and we watched it, although it was an old one that I had seen back in the states, just with a different voice narrating. Makenna liked it and kept saying "Meerkat". Which is better than the warn out Fi-Dough. After her nap we watched some more of it and she had a good laugh when she said that the "Meerkat Stinky."

When we first moved here, and had no tv, I found a book of Jane Austen's stories. I started reading it and actually got into it. It has all six of her books in this one big one. I really enjoyed the first one, "Sense and Sensibility." I figured I'd have something to talk to my two sister-in-laws about as they are into Jane Austen. But I do have to say by the last book, "Persuasion," I had it. They stories seemed to all be along the same lines more or less of a person in love and in the end gets the person she wanted. I was hoping to finish this massive book but I just couldn't. I gave up a couple of weeks ago. I'm hoping to maybe get back into it and finish this last book. The problem with her stories, in my opinion, is way too many characters. I had to start printing out a list of characters from the web just to follow. I'd get confused as I was reading, about who was who and why they were doing what they were doing.

I'm excited for tomorrow as Chris has off work (for working last Sat,) and we hope to try and go up and see the area where this farmhouse from my family line is. I doubt we'll actually find the house itself but it would be neat if we could.

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