Monday, November 17, 2008

16Nov2008: Day 174: Stop It!

I figured that since Chris was adding his rugby bit that he would go ahead and write up Sunday's blog. I should've known better.

In all fairness, not much exciting happened today. Makenna is still not eating too well, which is making us nervous. But, if you give her junk food, she's all for it. So I think she's just being picky. She did eat a little bit of my lunch.

She was cranky as ever at church. She only had a 45 minute nap before hand as she sat up in her room reading books. I had to take her out and sit with her and as I was having her sit calmly, she would yell, "stop it!" She kept yelling this. Another new word she obviously learned from me.

There's a couple of things I forgot to write about that happened last week. The first one was on Thursday, a kid bit Makenna at the nursery at the gym. He got her pretty good on the upper right shoulder blade. It almost made me think maybe that's what had gotten her sick -rabies. But since Hannah had been sick too I realized that wasn't it.

The other thing has to do with the poor reporting they do here. I know I mentioned this before about the news reporters doing a pretty bad job but this one had me laughing. When I was at the gym last Monday, Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister was giving this excruciatingly long speech about how he plans on working with the new President-Elect Barack Obama and other leaders in trying to rectify the banking and financial issues around the world. Well anyways, they kept panning to this group of reporters asking questions and I don't know if it was only a small pool that they kept showing the same group or if these people were the only one's asking questions, but either way, there was one particular reporter who was just as bored with the talk as I was, but he was sleeping! They kept showing one reporter after another asking questions and this guy seemed to be in the middle of them. His head was bobbing from side to side and falling over. I was like, "he is so fired." I have to admit it was the best part of the speech.

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