Tuesday, November 25, 2008

25Nov2008: Day 183: Water, Water, Everywhere

Today was a much better day. Even though Makenna was upset that daddy was already gone to work when she woke up, she quickly got over it and we got on with our day. She only had one other outburst which happened when we were waiting in the car to go into nursery. I thought it started at 9:15 so I got their five minutes early. Unfortunately, it didn't start until 9:30 so it was 20 minutes or so of waiting in the car. She hates sitting idly in the car so I tried to let her out to come up front and drive but then she wanted to be buckled. So when I buckled her back in, she wanted to get out of the car and walk. Just can't win! I wouldn't let her outside though as it was too cold to just stand out there.

We finally got in and I filled out some paperwork and met her primary care worker, Sue. Sue is the one who will keep track of Makenna's progress in different areas. Personal, Social, & Emotional well-being, Language & communication, reading & writing, problem solving, reasoning, & numeracy, knowledge & understanding, physical development, & creative development. They write in a journal type book of Makenna achieving different milestones in these areas along with what she was doing and the date. So it's almost like another journal for us while we're not there. We get to review the book quarterly and make any comments we have. They'll also take pictures at times of her achieving some of these things.

I stayed for about a half-hour then told her I was leaving to run some errands, and that I would be back. She had found a kid playing on a computer that had pictures of Dora on the screen so she could care less where I was going or what I was doing. I took off for a peaceful day of trying to Christmas shop. When I returned, they let me in a bit early to let me know she did really well. Sue said that a kid tried to cuddle (hug) Makenna a couple of times and she shied away, and in doing so fell over. I said that was typical. She said she ate a snack of yogurt and a drink, which is typical. I'm hoping this will also help her branch out in her trying different foods.

We went home for lunch, and as I was trying to clean up, I unfortunately left the Brita pitcher on the table as I just don't have more than two hands to carry everything. Well, not even a minute and I heard water gushing and I knew she spilled the pitcher. Lucky for me most of it went on the plastic protective mat we have under her chair. So I just gathered it up and dumped it outside. Unfortunately, later during dinner, I filled my glass with water, than proceeded to tip it over everywhere! The tablecloth is certainly clean now.

Few new words that Makenna repeated today...stupid (that was from me), and spice pronounced "styce" (gotten from daddy). My laptop screen will all of a sudden just go black at times and it can be frustrating. So I usually end up saying, "stupid thing." Today when it happened, I didn't even say anything and I heard Makenna go "stupid." Great, I thought, I've taught her a wonderful word. Hopefully she'll only apply it to things and not people. Here's to wishing.

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