Thursday, November 13, 2008

13Nov2008: Day 171: Happy Birthday Jared

Today is my brother Jared's birthday. I won't say how old he is so as to not give away my age in any way, shape, or form. I was hoping to make him a cute little sign to post but the night went very wrong as you'll read. P.S. Jared if you're reading this - I tried calling twice to wish you a happy birthday but the first time it went to your voice mail, I figured I'd call later when you were available. The second time it went into your voice mail...I was going to leave a message...but I had an emergency on my hands and had to hang up.

I was hoping to write about how I was excited that I finally found some decent saran wrap (or cling film as they call it here). You'd be surprised how excited that made me. I can't begin to tell you the many days of utter frustration and anger that I had over crummy saran wrap. Ask Chris's mother how bad it was. They just have no-name brands. I was almost tempted to ask for that as birthday and Christmas gifts - a real brand like Glad.

I was also going to mention how Makenna is now off of whole milk and onto 2 percent. Or what I think is 2 percent. Again, hard to really tell. They don't clearly mark milk like they do in the states, except for the whole milk. The rest say less than 4% milk and so on.

On to the emergency. Well, the day started out pretty good. We went into downtown Chatham with Hannah and family to do a little shopping. I have to say Makenna was fairly well behaved. She did try to wander off a couple of times but I told her that if she wandered off again that she would be in the cart. That pretty much kept her by my side. Plus it helps when you have another adult to keep eyes on her.

Then this evening, I had a text message from Hannah's mom telling me that Hannah had gotten sick and hoped that she hadn't passed it on to Makenna. I texted her back and said, "nope, Makenna is fine and we hoped that Hannah felt better." After dinner, Makenna and I were just vegging on the couch and I didn't even realize that she had gotten up. Then I heard her coughing and realized she had gone to the other couch and was actually getting sick. I wasn't sure whether to be glad she had gotten up and didn't get sick all over me or to wish she had, as it would've been gross, but easier to clean up.

I tried getting her to the bathroom but left a small trail along the way. By the time we made it to the bathroom, she was done. So it was onto the clean-up. Yuck! Also, a quick bath. We got through that and she seemed to be much better. I was surprised she didn't cry at all. I was also more surprised to see more of her lunch contents instead of dinner that had come up. Oh, did I mention that her father is out with the boys tonight?!?!?!?!!!!*&*!%^&

Well, part of me was thinking I should keep her up and the other part was like I should get her to bed. I was debating whether or not to let her have a drink and I was thinking if it was me, I'd like something to clean off the taste from my mouth. Bad idea as you can well guess. More of a trail on the floor, another pillow from the couch, and some on the bathroom floor, but yeah, we made some into the toilet. Then it was time for clean-up number two. I tried to get her to sit on a blanket on the floor while I was cleaning up but she thought it was more entertaining to watch me.

I usually clean some part of the house every week - one week downstairs and the next up. I thought it was funny how I had no energy all week to clean anything. God must have known this night was coming. I figured, well, while I'm in here, I might as well clean the bathroom. I didn't do the full bathroom clean, but figured, at least I got some done for tomorrow.

Makenna decided that she wanted to go to bed, so I figured, okay. I got her dressed, again, for bed. Just to let you know, I've had to take two breaks while writing this to run upstairs to deal with her being sick. I've run out of sheets for her bed, and just put a towel under her. I'm almost out of pj's and might have to resort to plain old clothes for pj's. I've had to take away every blanket she really wants as she keeps getting sick on them. I guess I'm lucky that she's being fairly easy about giving up her blankets. She had a tough time giving up her favourite one..."let go" she said. I know she got that from me. Plus, she still hasn't cried once about all this. I've decided that I like the other end of her being sick than this one. At least that one happens in a contained area.

Did I mention that her dad is still out with the guys!!##$?(&*$#_

It's going to be a long night!

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