Tuesday, November 18, 2008

18Nov2008: Day 176: St. Mark's Nursery

After my work out today, I had an appointment to go to the St. Mark's Nursery. This happens to be the same building that I take Makenna to on Wednesday afternoons for play group. They also run a nursery five days a week from 9:15am - 12:15pm. I've been thinking about having Makenna go to this a couple of days a week. It would replace the gym nursery/creche. It's a bit more cost effective as the one at the gym is 3.50 pounds for an hour or 5 pounds for an hour and a half. Whereas she can go to this nursery for 3 hours for 6.50 pounds. This would give me time to run errands or get cleaning done at the house or work on family history.

The woman who is ahead of the nursery showed me around. It is set up a bit different then how it is on Wednesdays. I asked if they work with the kids on ABC's and numbers and she said not really. They are not supposed to. They don't discourage it if a child is doing things related, but they may only touch upon it in songs. They would assign a child care worker to her so that she gets comfortable with one particular person. She can obviously go to whomever she chooses but the one worker would be responsible for keeping her record up to date. They keep a record of the things they do and the progress they make in different areas.

What was cute was a little girl that was there (Molly,) who goes to the Wednesday afternoon groups came up to Makenna and took her hand was was walking around with her. If I recall, Molly is 3 (maybe 3.5). Anyways, another girl then came up and took Makenna by the hand and started to walk around with her. Makenna at this point got nervous and ran up to me saying, "mommy, mommy, mommy," and clung to my leg. But since she's used to the place she went right back off to play. I think she was confused because it didn't look exactly the same. They had different toys out and none of the normal ones she usually sees when she goes.

I feel somewhat guilty dumping her off on someone else. I didn't mind an hour here or there while I worked out but for three? I feel like I'm not being a good mother by having someone else watch her, now that I'm a "stay-at-home-mom" so to say. But there are some days where I really need to be able to run errands without towing a child behind me so I can get it done faster. I'm trying to tell myself that I'll be spending time with her on Wednesday's at the play groups and on Thursdays at the playgroup or things that we do that day. Plus it will hopefully give her better interacting skills. But then I think, well, she'll be going to pre-school shortly after we return to the states so I'll be missing out on this time. I guess I'll try it. It's only going to be for two days in the week.

Other than that, the day was typical. Makenna did count up to four on her own. I don't remember what she was doing but she came out and said, "one, two, three, four." I was impressed. Chris came home for dinner but then had to go back to work. I was glad he was able to do that at least. He wasn't able to get home until about 8:30pm last night.

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