Friday, November 28, 2008

27Nov2008: Day 185: Happy Thanksgiving

Well, I wish it could've been happier. It was just another old day here. We did go to the sing/dance play group and Makenna seemed to have fun. She really likes the "sleepy bunny" song as I call it. It's where the kids lay down as if they are sleeping and then all of a sudden it's time to wake up and hop like bunnies. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before how when she wants to stay sleeping or go to sleep, Makenna will sometimes say "sleepy bunny."

I really need to take a small video of Hannah at the group too. She is certainly destined to be in entertainment of some sort. This girl just sings and dances constantly. It's very cute to watch.

As for Thanksgiving itself, well, I wish I had the strength and energy to cook something. I took a NyQuil last night (Wed night) and it seems to have stayed in my system. I have been struggling to stay awake all day and feel like I'm in some sort of haze. So that meant Thanksgiving consisted of left-overs. Makenna was hungry at 5pm anyways, and I figured since it's just another day here, that Chris would most likely not be coming home until 7 or 8 pm, so we might as well eat. When he did get home, 6:30pm, he was probably upset that I didn't cook anything or that we already ate so we couldn't go out, so hopefully we'll go out tomorrow night.

I was only able to hold out until 8:30pm and then I couldn't stay awake any longer. My patience was fading rapidly and I knew I had to just call it a night. I unfortunately couldn't stay awake for the video call with Chris's parents and family but from what I heard Makenna was really excited to see everyone.

It was certainly hard to not be able to enjoy a day with family. I tried to not think about what today was too much. It made me long for turkey, potatoes and gravy. Not to mention Pumpkin Pie!~

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