Friday, November 28, 2008

28Nov2008: Day 186: Stoopid

I am stupid for every saying the word "stupid" in front of Makenna. It was a word that was repeated too much for my taste today. Then on the way home from our "Thanksgiving Dinner" of Chinese food - Chris said it. I was like, "don't say that word!"

I was feeling much better today - more alert and alive. I almost went to the gym but figured I'd just clean the house while Makenna was at nursery. When I dropped her off today, she didn't want me to go. She kept holding onto my hand and walking me to the different areas that she wanted to go to. I finally told her I had to go to run some errands and that I'd be back. She wasn't too happy but she got over it. They said that she had a fun time at song and story time.

She was very animated today which is cute to watch and see. She was saying hello to people at dinner and just being her every so cute self. (Can you tell I'm in a better mood?). She even talked to her cousin Elijah on the phone tonight. She said "hello" after much prodding, and he said, who knows what back.

Another thing that Makenna has been getting really good at is counting. We've been trying to count with her as we go up and down the stairs. A couple of days ago she did one through nine on her own and then jumped to eleven. Daddy made sure she went back and did ten and then she continued to thirteen. We'll repeat the number after she says it to reaffirm that she got it right. I'm just so impressed that she did as well as she did. Okay, can you tell I'm biased?

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