Sunday, November 2, 2008

2Nov2008: Day 160: Fi Dough

Makenna has learned the art of driving her parents insane by saying the same thing over and over and over and least 1000 times - no kidding. At first, it had us laughing as she kept saying "fi Dough" for fireworks. They have been shooting off fireworks all week and today was no exception. She was able to see some of them from our dining room and that was it...we lost her. We mentioned fireworks and she picked up Fi Dough. She keeps begging for us to make them happen. We obviously have no control as it's just random people shooting them off. We had a hard time getting her to focus on something else. Once we got her re-directed, she would eventually go back to "Fi Dough!" I've uploaded a couple of videos so you can see what I mean. The color quality is not that great but it's off of a small digital camera. The first video is of her asking for Fi Dough. The second video is of Chris mimicking fireworks and Makenna laughing. The laugh was just so cute I had to record it.

She also had a few mini screaming fits during church. She was trying so hard to tell me something I should know and I just couldn't understand her. She's said it in past and I knew I knew the word, I just couldn't figure it out under pressure. So finally I asked her to show me what it was that she was asking for. She kept saying "fiptures, fiptures". When she went over to my bag, I figured it was "scriptures." She likes to look through them and some of the pictures in them.

Her and Hannah made me glad that I didn't have twins. One was eating cereal and the other decided to spill it all over the church pews and floor, at the same time the other one pushed a book that had small pieces to it onto the floor. It was like they had a plan to drive me nuts by creating chaos in all different mediums and directions. They also were fighting over a book that Hannah had given Makenna today, as a birthday gift. Then Makenna slipped through the pew and half her body was in the row behind us and the top half was in our row. So Makenna kept yelling "stuck, stuck!" And I mean yelling. I think everyone in the church knew she was stuck.

On an interesting note, I've been working on some family history and I was able to connect to someone in AZ who is working on my maternal grandmother's line of Olmstead. She e-mailed me today and told me that there is an Olmstead Manor Castle over here in England! I've tried looking online and don't come up with anything by that name. So I hope that she can give me some more information on where this is along with some missing information on this line. Plus, she is looking for information too. As I have family that come from over here in England and so does Chris, I'm hoping to be able to find some information or at least some places that my ancestors came from. It's just finding the time to do the research.

Since writing that above, she has given me some more information. Unfortunately, it's more of a small farmhouse type dwelling but it looks as though it may only be an hour and forty-five minutes or so to get there - if we can then find it. I have to do some more research and hopefully we'll get a chance to try and check it out.

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