Wednesday, November 19, 2008

19Nov2008: Day 177: See Ya Latah

Yup - sick again! I swear she's been sick more than healthy since we've been here. You can tell by the whiny, not satisfied with anything attitude she exhibits first thing in the morning. Makes you feel like your whole day is going to be extremely long if it she continues to act this way. It's just a congested cough and runny nose (p.s. you should take stock in Kleenex as we've bought so many boxes since we've been here, their shares must have gone up).

She finally had a pretty decent breakfast. Ate a pancake and some cereal. This put her in a better mood and I decided to still take her to play groups. She was fine and enjoyed being with Hannah. At the first play group at the church, the women from another ward were having their enrichment meeting and we joined in. They were just making ornaments from clay. So the kids who wanted, were able to join in. I was also able to talk to the enrichment counselor about our night next Wednesday and the things we need to get to be prepared. We're going to put together Christmas stockings for the primary and nursery kids, then fill them with stuff.

We decided to walk to the afternoon group as it was a nice day. We stopped at the park for a bit first to play on the slide and swing. Makenna, as usual, gravitated toward the different cars to ride on and the kitchen area. But she did go play with some small cars for a short bit. When we got to the park, she wanted to walk again so I let her out of the stroller. She started to lag behind and I tried walking ahead to get her to follow. I was about 10 steps ahead and I just turned around and looked at her and didn't say anything. She looked at me and said, "See Ya Latah." I laughed and told her that if I had to go back and get her she would be sitting back in the stroller. She then started to walk towards me.

Tonight, when I told her bath time, I was busy just finishing up an e-mail on the computer. She then turned it on me and came over and grabbed my hand to take me upstairs to the bathroom. Then when daddy came home and it was time for bed, she wanted him to take her upstairs to get ready and she took his hand and looked at me and said, "See ya Latah."

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