Wednesday, November 5, 2008

5Nov2008: Day 163: Guy Fawkes Day aka Fi Dough!

It's our busy play-day. We went to the playgroup at the church in the morning and then another playgroup in the afternoon. The one in the afternoon had sparklers for the kids for Guy Fawkes day. I knew Makenna would be excited by fireworks but that she would be too frightened to hold it - which I was glad for anyways. She stayed a good distance away on her own accord.

Guy Fawkes was involved in a gunpowder plot in 1605 by a group of religious conspirators to kill James I of England, his family along with parliament. Although, from my understanding, was caught the day of or the day before being able to set the explosives on fire. So why they celebrate this failure but idolize the guy is beyond me. I guess I need to ask someone. To celebrate, they set off fireworks, like I said before, all week long. Although it's been about two weeks now.

This of course all brings up the whole "Fi Dough" conversation (See Sunday Nov 2nd if you need more explanation). Although, it's not really a conversation. More like a broken record. It had died down a bit from Sunday but was full force tonight. After dinner, I took Makenna to the spare bedroom upstairs. This bedroom has a desk in front of a large window and it was perfect to sit Makenna on in order to watch the various fireworks being shot off.

"Fi Dough" was repeatedly said...after the fireworks, during the fireworks, asking for more fireworks. What was interesting was that Makenna noticed the shadow on the wall of the window frame. So when the fireworks went off, it would throw a shadow of the window on the wall and she started watching that more than the fireworks. I think she was fascinated by it and couldn't quite figure it out. After a half hour of sitting their watching them, I knew the only thing that would tear her away was to mention "bath time!"

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