Friday, March 13, 2009

13Mar2009: Day 291: Ma-Kenna

Today Makenna decided to pronounce her name correctly “Ma-Kenna” she proudly said. She said it with a pause between the first syllables. Usually she says “Kenna.” I then moved on and had her say her full name. I’ve since asked her to say her name and she doesn’t associate what I’m asking with her name.

We took Hannah & Bethany and her mom to nursery this morning. Hannah is going to start going the same days as Makenna (Tues & Fri). The two of them together should be quite a pair. I’m sure that they won’t always be spending every moment together but at least they’ll be comforted to have each other. I know Makenna was grateful that Hannah’s mom was there today as it’s “Red Nose Day” (aka Comic Relief Day) here and the kids and workers were dressed up. Her key worker was dressed in a funny costume with a red ball nose and Makenna was quite freaked out by it. She just clung to Madonna.

They’ve been gearing up for this Red Nose thing around here for about a month. I guess it’s a way of fundraising for any cause. More so for poverty but they get a bunch of stars doing silly things. Kind of like our Comic Relief was I guess back with Whoppi Goldberg, Robin Williams, and Billy Crystal. Anyways, as we were leaving nursery, they were handing out cupcakes and I took one for Makenna to eat after lunch. Hannah took hers right away and started eating it so Makenna had a massive break down. She was screaming and screaming in the car “cake!” I felt bad and I could understand why she’d be upset but I stuck to my guns. I wasn’t going to reward her for screaming and I wanted her to eat lunch first. I won out.

The good news for the day is we finally have our upstairs toilet fixed. It’s been since, oh, September of last year. We had someone come in October but he just poured stuff down the toilet and that was it. When Chris called the rental company back they would just call some plumber and if that plumber couldn’t get a hold of me, he would quit. Now that we’re potty training it’s getting a bit more use. It was close to overflowing quite a bit. I called the rental company again yesterday and someone came over today. This guy really tried to find the problem and he was successful. It’s just as I thought it was – one of Makenna’s toys. He took it with him and first I thought about protesting then I thought, “Do I really want a toy that’s seen it’s share of potty time?” No.

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