Thursday, March 5, 2009

5Mar2009: Day 283: Don't Snatch

I have no idea where Makenna picked up “Don’t snatch” from but she’s said it quite a few times this week, including tonight. She says this when we’re trying to take something away from her that we don’t want her to have or she shouldn’t have. I don’t say it and I don’t recall Chris saying it so she must’ve picked it up from nursery.

As for potty training, she didn’t pee on the potty today but she was willing to go on it. What she did do, which had me laughing so hard, was a potty dance for mommy. I’ve said before how I’ve always let Makenna watch me go potty so that she would get the idea, so as I was going today she came in and started singing the potty song (“mommy pee pee on the paughty”,) and dancing around. Well, at least she’s learned something out of this experience if nothing else, dance and sing when others go potty. She did ask me as we were going up at bath time, “you got to wee wee?” This is her encouraging me to ask her the question. So I asked her. She got wee wee from Hannah’s mom as that’s what she says to Hannah.

Another thing that absolutely shocked me was when I picked her up from the nursery at the gym. They had already sat her down for snack time and when I peeked in I saw what was on her plate so I tried to hide to see if she would actually eat it. There was a carrot stick, green apple slices, and a Clementine orange slice. She eventually saw me so I stood there and encouraged her along with the staff to finish eating what was on her plate – and she did! They said that she had already eaten another carrot stick and an orange slice. I was like, “I knew you would eat these things!” I told the staff that I was going to bring her here to eat her meals. Maybe it was peer pressure as all the other kids were eating them or the staff encouraging her but I was ecstatic and while we were out shopping this afternoon, I picked up some Clementine oranges so we’ll see. When we got home from nursery she actually wanted an apple and almost ate the whole thing without me cutting it into slices for her. She hasn't done that in a long time.

As for shopping, I wanted to go out and buy another swimming suit as the one I was wearing wore out and the other one I have is from when I was pregnant so it’s too big and sags when I come out of the water. Makenna fell asleep on the way to the shopping center even though it’s about ten minutes away. I figured she’d wake up when we got there but no luck. I had to carry this 30+ weight around to the stores. It ended up being a good thing as I just laid her down in the aisle while I was picking out swimming suits to try on as I didn’t have to worry about a child running away. One lady looked at me as I put her down and I just said, “I can’t carry her any longer.” I then picked her up and laid her down in the dressing room. Again, a good thing as she wasn’t trying to leave as I was changing. I fear that one of these times she’ll open the door as I’m half dressed.

No luck there so I tried another store and as I walked to that store she woke up. At this store they had a shopping cart though so I could at least keep her contained until I went into the dressing room but she was pretty well behaved. I did end up buying a swimsuit for Makenna as hers is getting small. I also tried looking for stickers for her chart but no luck with that either. I did go into a drugstore here called “Boots” to look for stickers too and found some sunglasses. I tried on a few pairs but couldn’t find a price. I decided to take up this one pair to buy and as I had out my money I decided to put it on the debit card. Well, I looked at the cash register and pointed and said, “Is that how much these sunglasses are?!?!?!” She said, “Yes, 69 pounds.” I then promptly told her that I did not want them. Who in their right mind would pay over $100 American, for some drugstore sunglasses? I tend to lose them, scratch them, and with a two year old, you have no idea how long they’ll last if she gets her hands on them. So I struck out with a bathing suit, stickers, and sunglasses. Oh well, we’ll have to go shopping again – oh darn!

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