Friday, March 20, 2009

20Mar2009: Day 298: Um, Well

I woke up frantic as it was 8am and I was supposed to be leaving about this time to pick up my brother Jake from Heathrow. His plane was supposed to be getting in around 9:30am and it takes around 1.5 hrs with no traffic back-ups which would not be the case I’m sure. There were no messages from him and I hopped in the shower while Makenna was still asleep. I got ready, got Makenna up and was trying to shoot for getting out of the house by 9am. I figured by the time he actually landed, got to his luggage, and got through customs we probably would be timing it just right. I then looked on-line to see what gate his flight was to be coming in at and found that the plane was supposed to be arriving at 8:30am or so. Great, now I was going to be really late!

Well, as luck would have it for me, Jake had sent me a text to let me know that he missed his connecting flight in NYC and wouldn’t be in now until 9:15pm! I then had to decide whether or not to let Makenna go to nursery. I did take her as she didn’t have a fever and having her stuck inside for a third day just didn’t seem productive. She was a bit clingy when I tried to leave but I was able to come home and relax. I felt guilty about not going to the gym but I had already taken a shower and didn’t feel up to doing it again. I figured I’ll be doing a lot of walking this next week with going places with Jake.

When I did pick up Makenna, she was in this “um, well” mood. She kept answering me and Madonna (Hannah’s mom,) by saying, “um, well” and then going on with whatever she needed to say. I found it quite cute. I would’ve never thought to find language and mannerisms so interesting.

We had a harder evening after she woke from nap. I think her head is so stuffed up that she’s just miserable. It doesn’t help that she’s missing daddy who she hasn’t seen since last Monday. When he finally got home today, she was excited and happy and calmer. She did her “um, well” to him a couple of times.

After Chris returned, we had to leave shortly after to go up to Heathrow and pick up Jake. Timing wise we got there pretty well in that he didn’t have to sit outside too long. He told us of his horrible time in getting here and the whole missed flight ordeal. His body clock must really be off as he left around noon yesterday and after spending a night in JFK he’s now here at our humble abode at 11pm. Makenna was really excited to have him in the car and chatted away for the first 15-20 minutes after he got in the car. Then the sickness and tiredness hit her and she was whining and having a hard time. We made it home and hopefully decided on plans for tomorrow and got our chatty Makenna off to bed.

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