Monday, March 2, 2009

2Mar2009: Day 280: Ready, Steady, Go!

Today was fairly busy. I decided to go back to the spinning class and that’s just down right exhausting. I feel like I’m panting through it as if I’m a smoker or something but I know it’s a good work out, and something different to throw into my routine. I tried to do my workout with weights first and didn’t get through them all so I’ll have to add the couple I missed into tomorrow’s routine. After, I took Makenna to ASDA’s again (Wal-Mart) to go grocery shopping for something different. I don’t think that I save any more money by shopping there as they claim. I think the Tesco’s which we usually shop at is cheaper on a lot of things. Although ASDA does have a bit more of a selection on some things.

Another thing that I noticed over here that I must gripe about is the parking spaces. They all are about the width of a small compact car. So everybody crams in and you have to basically hit the person’s car next to you as you open your doors to get in or out. Then try wedging yourself and a two year old who is the size of a three year old in the space to put her in the car seat. Not only that, but now add trying to fit a shopping cart in between cars so you can unload your car if you happened to be “smart” and pull through to the space so that you can just drive out forward when you leave. So what I guess I’m saying is that it’s best to back out in these types of situations so that you can get to your trunk and not hit the car who parked in behind you as you try to open your trunk. Plus, park as far away from the store as possible so that the chances of you getting parked next to or parking next to someone is less and you don’t have to worry about all this stupidness to begin with.

Speaking of stupid, they had a documentary on last week about the big snow storm that hit here in the beginning of February and how it affected the country and how everything basically came to a stand-still. Well, I tried watching it when Chris was around and he refused to watch it as he felt it was a complete joke. He felt that the fact that six inches of snow basically paralyzed a country was utterly ridiculous. Since we avoided it for the most part (see our blog for Feb 2, 2009), I thought it would be interesting to see what we missed.

In the afternoon I took Makenna over to the park to meet up with Hannah and Bethany. Now that they live closer, and the weather is getting nicer hopefully we’ll meet up with them a bit more besides play group on Wednesdays and church on Sundays. The girls really enjoyed going up the steps to the sloyde (the vowels pronounced like that in toys) and going on the swing and just running around. We were there for over an hour. I have no idea where Makenna picked up this pronunciation of slide but Madonna found it quite funny as did I. She said it was like a bad English accent in an American movie. I think we’re planning on taking all of them to the library tomorrow as they don’t currently have any tv or internet access at their new flat so they’re looking for things to do.

One thing that they say over here is “Ready, Steady, and Go ”instead of“ One, Two, Three, Go.” Chris was surprised when he heard her saying it as she was about to jump on him and she kept doing it at the park today before she went down the slide. So when we come back, if you hear her saying “Ready, Steady, Go,” be aware that she’s about to jump or slide.

Something I forgot to mention that was really cute from Saturday night was when we went to check on Makenna after we put her down for bed, she had her leg over the side of the rail that blocks her in from falling out of bed.

Still no luck on the potty front, but she did ask to go on it after lunch. I think she has performance anxiety when she sits on it. After her nap, I got her on it and she didn’t go and then I put her in her diaper and she was sitting on my lap, not even five minutes later, and I could feel the warmth from her going in her diaper. We’ll keep trying.

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