Sunday, March 29, 2009

29Mar2009: Day 307: Don't Use Your Face to Stop

We finally “sprung ahead” and are now five hours different from the states again. Well, five hours from where we live in the states. Somehow we got really lucky and Makenna slept in so she should be right on schedule. The only problem I have had lately and will more so now is that it will start to get light out anywhere between 3am – 4am. So I have this herbal rice bag that I tend to put over my eyes to blacken the room again.

Speaking of the states, there was a new missionary today who when he spoke, I said to Chris, “it sounds like a NY accent.” After church, I went up and asked him and sure enough he’s from Lockport. He was also excited to hear a familiar voice of sorts. I told him that a lot of Chris’s family is actually from that area.

It was another typical Sunday with Makenna trying to escape and Hannah on my lap. As we were leaving, Makenna was trying to run away from us and unfortunately she tripped on the gravel pavement and got banged up. She still has a habit of lifting her hands up in the air instead of using them as way of stopping her from getting really hurt. Thus the phrase came out of Chris’s mouth of, “Don’t use your face to stop.” So as you can guess, her face got a bit scraped up. I felt so bad.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t her only spill for the day. Shortly after getting home, she was sitting in a bar chair eating yogurt and she pushed her feet against the table thus knocking her self down for quite a fall. I think she was more scared than hurt. Everything else she did for the night, jumping off a small rocking chair onto daddy, jumping up and down on her bed, all came with strong warnings of what could happen. Chris wants me to get her into gymnastics when we get back in the states. I might actually look into it to see if she’s interested.

At least she bounced back from those and was quite happy in the evening to sing different songs of, “Yankee Doodle,” “Baa Baa Blacksheep,” and “Twinkle Twinkle Star.”

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