Sunday, March 22, 2009

21Mar2009: Day 299: Repeat

Did our usual Saturday morning routine which is make pancakes and make lunches for our trip for the day. Then Chris decided that since tomorrow is Mother’s Day here, that he would give me a present of going to London with Jake and he would stay at home with Makenna. It was definitely a thoughtful gift as it meant that we could hopefully get to see more.

Hope was the word but not so much the action. Chris dropped Jake and I off at the train station and we found out that the train was not running from this station as they were doing maintenance work. They had us take a bus to a different station where we then took the train into Victoria station in London. From there we needed to take the Underground to the British Museum. Of course, with our luck so far, the underground subway we needed was closed. We had to take another route to get there. We finally got to the museum at 1pm!

We looked around for a couple of hours and it was nice that I didn’t have to rush through the exhibits chasing after Makenna. I was here before back in October but to be able to read some of the displays and take the time to look at the artifacts was a nice change. The couple of pictures were from the Mayan area of the museum. The one has turquoise over a skull. From there we took the subway, once we found it, to Trafalgar square. We finally found some place to eat as we walked to Parliament and Big Ben. We then walked back to the train station and headed home.

We again had to go into a train station to be bussed back to the one in our city. We were able to sit up on the top deck in the front seats and it was quite nerve wracking. It looked as though at every turn the bus was going to hit something. These guys know how to maneuver these things!

We got home and ordered some Indian food. The place too forever to deliver! I think it’s the last time we order from this place. They always take a long time to deliver. Makenna was grateful to finally get food and she ate down rice like there was no tomorrow. She picked out the peas and ate them too. I just can’t figure this girl out. I tried buying rice with peas and she wouldn’t touch it. I guess I have to buy this yellow-looking rice.

I went off to bed early. I was wiped out. Today was a repeat of sights for me but it was nice to see I could get myself around. Unfortunately, it looks like I’m having a repeat (a tenth time repeat) of being sick. I just got off of antibiotics last week and bam I’m hit again. It’s not a sinus infection but just a cold but it was wiping me out. I only hope that I can get over it quick to enjoy the rest of the week with Jake. We are all sick. Jake came with a cold and Chris is also fighting a cold and we already know Makenna is sick so it’s a real fun household.

I guess Chris and Makenna enjoyed the day by going to the park and playing in the backyard. I was glad they could get some alone time as he doesn’t get to spend that kind of time with her very often. She seems to have really enjoyed it too. Let’s hope that they can have more repeat days of today.

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