Tuesday, March 24, 2009

24Mar2009: Day 302: What's That Noise?

At the end of last week and into this week, Makenna’s phrase is “What’s that noise?” She hears something, purses her lips into an “o” with eyes open wide in curiosity, and says, “What’s that noise?” I then explain what the noise is and where it’s coming from. Sometimes she’ll ask about the noise and then tell me what it is.

She’s also still wants to help me and today’s “help” was with laundry. It was actually a good thing because a couple of times I was able to divert her from being upset by asking her to help me pour in the fabric softener into the washing machine.

Jake went into London on his own and saw the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, and Tower Bridge. Chris had told him that he’d get a lot more done without Makenna tagging along and since he and I went into London on Saturday, he felt he could get around on his own when I dropped him off at the train station. Plus, I’ve seen all those things except Tower Bridge. Although I’d definitely love the chance to see them again before we leave, but not sure if that will happen. That meant that I was able to take Makenna to nursery and since I’m still stuffed up, I passed on the gym and ran to the library so I could pick up some new books to read to Makenna

I thought I’d add a couple of pictures from the flowers that have popped up in our yard. I took these last week and since then, more have come up in other colors. Plus the trees around town are starting to have white buds on them. I hope, at some point, to start posting pictures from around the house that we live in here so that we have a record of our living arrangements here. I meant to do take the pictures last week after I cleaned the house but I forgot and now the house needs to be cleaned again.

Here’s where I need some help. I have a little girl who has found her nose with her fingers and hard as I try, I can’t seem to get her to keep them out of there. I realize it’s a thing kids do, but I try to somewhat ignore it when we’re home alone, but also remind her that she needs to use a tissue. When we’re in public I kind of do the same but insist more on the tissue. Today, as we were sitting on the couch, I again reminded her about using a tissue and she looked at me, said “bye” as she waved (like leave me alone,) then got up and went over to the bean bag sat down and sighed. I felt like the “un-cool” mom who needs to leave her teenager alone. So who out there can give me ideas on how to translate to a 2.5 year old that sticking her finger up her nose is not the “in-thing” to do?

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