Sunday, July 13, 2008

13Jul2008: Day 49: Makenna goes to Doctor

So I (Chris) went to St. Marks again today. It was much more subdued than last week, but a whole less formal service than I am used to. The priest somewhat ad libbed his way along, occasionally sending us off to the prayer book The music was mostly out of praise and worship, not the hymnal and less formal as well, though they did use an organ this week. Communion was normal bread and an odd wine. It wasn't as crowded because many people were off on a picnic, but I spoke to one lady who was nice and told me a better place to park. Parking costs about £1 for 90 minutes, which amazes me that they still charge on Sunday, but she said that the councils only recently enacted that.

Makenna's nose is still scary bloody and she has an infection on her finger. I looked up staph infection online and she seems like she fits the symptoms of something that is common with Children...I can't think of the name any more (I keep mispronouncing it anyway). So, we took her to the Clinic today and they confirmed that she has this and that we were good to bring her in today. They've given her amoxicilian for 5 days and she can't go to play groups until she is done with it, which Teri is not happy about as she just joined that gym. Oh well, Makenna seems to feel ok, just her nose is pretty scarey looking.

She did a couple of funny things today. She got a hold of my GPS and in the 5 seconds she had it brought up a page that read "Would you like to delete 'Chris'?"...I don't know how she finds these things, but she is notorious with getting our TV's in and other equipment with remotes into the most bizarre states. Also, she saw a magazine while we were in the doctor's office today and there was a ad for underwear or something and the woman was in the bathroom with her pants down and Makenna kept saying "pottie". She has every once in a while said "pottie" and wanted to go into the bathroom, we have tried her on the toilet a couple of times, but we need to get a training toilet for her. The other day she said it and 5 minutes later there was a very unfavorable smell around, which Teri took care of, so we know she is starting to think about it.

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