Sunday, July 6, 2008

6Jul1998:Day 42: Church and sick day #2

So now Teri and Makenna are fairly miserable. Makenna seems to be getting better, though she is crying nearly continuously when she doesn't get her way. It is really frustrating when we just put Shrek 2 in the video player for the 100th time and she then points to the video case and says "move" "move", (movie) then we say "no, watch Shrek" and she say "ne", to which we then say "no, shrek, not nemo". Then it turns into crying and moping. Until I give her a couple of warnings and then she gets put on the step until she can calm down. She eventually does, which is nice, but it normally only last 30 minutes and she is back on the step again. She is learning though.

I decided to go to a new church today called St. Marks. It is a very popular church and has started a plant church in another area close by. It was strangest service I have been to, but I very much liked it. There was a band and a lot of praise music, and a batismal pool in the front of the altar. I think it must have been a Baptist Church once, but they did do three baptisms by immersion today. They have and incredible number of young families and felt very much alive. The Church I went to last week was not so vibrant. This church again has bibles at nearly every seat and was very much into the Gospel. They had skits on what it meant to accept Jesus and how we carry our sins like baggage until we allow Jesus to take them away from us. It was very uplifting. This week was called a "family service", next week they have Holy Communion, so I think that will probably be more subdued. They had amazing quilts hanging from the walls and even though it was a big brink building, it felt very comfortable. All in all, I think this is best Church I have found so far and I'm definately going back next Sunday. There were probably 200 people there, but perhaps that was because of the baptisms, not sure. I'll let you know next week.

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