Wednesday, July 2, 2008

25June2008: Day 31: Panic Alarm

Today Makenna and I went for a walk again but the other way down the main street to see what was around. Not much really. There are some stores but nothing really too interesting. One thing I’ve noticed since we’ve been over here is that a lot of the Chinese restaurants don’t open until 5pm and they only do “take away”. I guess they realize that being open all day isn’t beneficial for them. We’ve only found one place that has a buffet and I’m not really too impressed with it as it doesn’t have our “usual” type of Chinese food (General Tso’s, Sesame Chicken, etc.) and has more stuff like seaweed and Indian food.

Oh well, as you can tell, not too much more interesting happened today. Chris did find the “panic” alarm in the house and was deafened by the discovery. I found the vacuum cleaner and boy does that thing have suction! The rest of the day was entertaining Makenna and putting away some more stuff from yesterday’s shipment.

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