Wednesday, July 2, 2008

23June2008: Day29: Moving Day

We are now moved into our new house. It only took Chris a couple of trips to get everything over here we brought. Now to get Customs to send us the stuff we shipped from back home. We were able to get all our stuff put away and moved some things around. Such as dishes from a low cupboard to a high cupboard – need I say more? We also moved a dresser into the room that Makenna is going to stay in and moved out a hanging wardrobe closet. We may end up moving some other things as we see fit.

When we first got here, there was a gentleman from the real estate agency taking inventory of what was in the house and the condition of the house. He had to go through quite a lot of drawers even (like in the kitchen) and list all of the various items in them.

The other thing was that the heat was on in quite a few of the rooms which made it extremely warm. Chris couldn’t find how to shut a few of these off as some are individually controlled and others are connected someplace else. Also, there’s a security system we can’t quite figure out. So we’re waiting for the police to show any moment.

The hard thing is no tv or internet but it’ll probably be good for Makenna and I for a bit. I’m sure there will be a lot of Baby Einstein watching on the portable DVD.

Later, we went driving to the closest grocery store and I decided that I needed to try driving back. I did pretty well, even though Chris thought I had a couple of close scares of hitting things (I told him now he knows how it feels to be sitting on that side). But I did end up hitting something—the house with the left side mirror, as I tried pulling into the driveway. DOH! (as Makenna and Homer Simpson would say). So it may be a while before he lets me use the car again?!

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