Saturday, July 5, 2008

4 July 2008: Day 40: Happy Fourth of July!

We had over about 12 people from Chris’ work (including two kids). We had tons of food and now we have a lot of leftovers. They all loved Chris’s burgers with his “secret” ingredient – Canadian Steak Seasoning, along with his Chicken wings. We also bought an Apple Pie from Costco and no one ate it! They opted for an Apple Crumble Pie which I made, a Patriotic pie, made by another person who actually came from BAE in Johnson City a couple weeks after we did for a year, and for brownies. Makenna opted to eat Doritos and dessert. I got her to try a cucumber, but it took one bite, that didn’t make it in her mouth, to have her decide, nope, Doritos are better. It’s funny because when we offer her food she’ll look at it and after a few seconds say “no”. But then Chris offered her a jellybean, which she’s never seen, and has no qualms about trying it and eating it. Do kids have some “junk-food” sensor? Nope – that looks to healthy – so I won’t eat it. Oh, look at that….that looks like it’s full of sugar – that’s for me! I don’t get it!

Well anyways, one guy did bring fireworks, but they were more “ground-type” fireworks than anything for the sky. We did have a few that went up in the air and the neighbors oohed and aahhd.

We also got some more English lingo taught to us. We got the history of Yorkshire pudding, which we hope to be able to try at some point, and got some more names of sights we should go see.

Not sure if we’ll get out this weekend or not. Depends on how Makenna feels, and now me, as I think she’s given me a bit of what she has. I already told Chris that when she wakes up in the morning that it’s going to be his responsibility to get up with her as I need to fight off this illness. Not good with a sick parent and a sick child. Especially when it’s the mommy.

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