Tuesday, July 22, 2008

22Jul2008: Day 58: Bathroom Woes

Well today Makenna really enjoyed playing in the toilet - yup - the toilet. She got into it three times! I caught her the first time about to throw in a washcloth. Little did I notice, she had already thrown one in. So I had to reach in and get it - yuck!

The second time I had left her downstairs so I could finish cleaning upstairs, of which one was the bathroom, and toilet. Well as I moved onto vacuuming, I heard a "thud" and I was praying that she hadn't fallen down the stairs. I realized that she made it into the now cleaned bathroom, and the thud was her falling on the floor as she got it all wet with putting things in and out of the toilet. This time the toy of choice was a "squish" ball that we usually play with in the bathtub as it absorbs water. Double yuck as I had to reach in and get that out of the toilet now, not to mention clean the floor again. At least this time she was playing in a newly cleaned toilet I told myself.

The third time was the worse - I'll have Chris tell you as I wasn't here - Well the little stinker disappeared for a moment while I was getting ready to go buy some groceries with her. I was walking around trying to find her and I heard her somewhere saying "soap" "soap". I found her in the bathroom rubbing her hands together and wiping them on her face. She was laughing and saying "soap" "soap" over and over. I asked her where she got the soap and assumed she would go to the sink, but, no such luck. She walks over to the toilet and begins to reach down into the bowl. I nearly screamed at her grabbing her away and feeling the wet hands and face, rushing her to the sink. I grabbed some antibacterial soap from the kitchen and washed her down. Hopefully she won't break out in a rash, but I wasn't sure what to do...little stinker. The Brits call perfume Eau de Toilette, but I think Makenna might be taking it a little too literally. I wonder if we can do a new marketing ad: "Soap, Soap", a new Eau de Toilette, brought to you by Makenna Jones, slogan:"It ain't soap, but you will be running for some when you put it on."

So yes, a new "toy" of sorts has been found. Now it will be harder for us to tell when she squats down and says "potty, potty" if it's because she really wants to go potty or if she wants to go IN the potty.

A new saying has also cropped up now from her father's lips to hers - which is "come on". As I was trying to say prayers with her all I heard was "come on, come on". Again, just goes to show you, you have to truly watch what you say around her.

1 comment:

fatherjim said...

Who would have thought that going to England and creating a blog would give you a record of Makenna's growing up. We have a baby book with a few early commnets and have to try to remember the early years of the boys.