Sunday, July 6, 2008

5Jul2008: Day 41: Lazy town

Chris is writing again.

Today, Saturday, was a day of lying around most of the day. We didn't want to take Makenna out much because we wanted her cold to get better. Teri was feeling better this morning, but we just decided to go out and buy some towels, knives, and a fan, which we did at Argos (a catalog store I mentioned in an early blog). We were also looking oven mits, but didn't find any. We'll have to go somewhere else to find it. I'm sure next week I'll be sick.

I went and updated Sunday last weeks Sunday blog for the Church I went to. I looked on line and found a St Marks that is fairly close as well and I'm thinking I'm going to try that out. St. Augustine has a bible in every seat and they gave the page numbers out at the beginning of the readings. So, it is similar to home, but, I thought I would check out this St. Marks.

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