Monday, July 21, 2008

20Jul2008: Day 56: Early Birthday

I added a couple of pictures to yesterday's post for those who want to take a look.

As Chris kind of combined a bit of Sunday (the early birthday celebration) in with Saturday, the only other thing we did is our usual attending church. We were all able to attend this week as Makenna and I are feeling so much better.

Makenna had a bit of a hard time going into nursery as she didn't remember it. But then she got comfortable and at one point, the nursery leader had to come get me (as Makenna had a dirty diaper), and she brought all the kids with her. There were only three, but Chris happened to be in the hallway and he said that they were all holding hands and Makenna was the "leader", kind of holding, or dragging, the other two along and she was saying, "beep, beep" as she was going down the hallway.

We had a great dinner and Chris worked really hard, as you may have read, on getting the candle lit. It was very nice of him to do this as he'll be leaving for home most likely next weekend.

Speaking of birthdays, there are two others I missed - Lin and Tina's. I'm not sure if they read this but if they do - sorry I missed your special days and I hope you two and others got together to celebrate the usual "July birthdays".

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